A Legal Study on Children\’s Rights and Iran\’s Laws
This Legal Study incorporates qualitative research alongside legal review to contextualize and assess the state of children’s rights in Iran as well as provide conclusions toward reforms.
“In 2015-2016, a number of activists at the grassroots level took it upon themselves to research children’s rights in Iran. Following research, comparative analysis and consultation, interviews with children as well as experts and activists working on children and their rights, this legal study was produced. The five areas of children’s rights in Iranian laws include:
1. Children’s education rights;
2. Children’s labour rights;
3. Children’s marriage rights;
4. Children’s legal and judicial rights; and
5. Children’s health rights.
After examining these rights in relation to theory and application of laws in Iran, the study offers recommendations for the above areas, in the hope that it will help develop appropriate legislation for children’s rights in Iran at the local, national and international levels. These recommendations include:
• In the area of children’s’ education rights, the laws need to be reformed to conform with the principles of the Constitution;
• In the area of children’s labour rights, in addition to legal reforms, proper enforcement mechanisms are required;
• In the area of children’s health rights, new laws need to be put in place;
• In the area of children’s marriage rights, legal reforms and creation of suitable enforcement mechanisms are required;
• In the area of children’s legal and judicial rights, legal reforms are required.”