Guidelines for Juvenile Justice in Iraq: For Judges and Prosecutors

Guidelines for Juvenile Justice in Iraq: For Judges and Prosecutors

This guidebook aims to provide instructions and practical guidance for the judges and prosecutors working in juvenile justice in Iraq. This is to ensure the proper application of relevant legislations and regulations, and to respect the international standards for juveniles and children. It particularly aims to protect the best interests of juveniles and to extend the application of alternative penalties whenever possible, especially in cases where judges have the discretionary powers to expand the application of the legal text, considering the particular circumstances of each case.

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Child rights Mechanisms_CRIN

Guide to mechanisms for children’s rights

The purpose of this guide is to help readers understand the ‘mechanisms’ working on child rights, such as different parts of the United Nations, or regional bodies like the African Union. The guide is not exhaustive, or perfect, and may be amended over time as new developments unravel. If you notice any inaccuracies, or have any other comments, we would like to hear from you.

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Regional Guidelines have much in common. Yet there is a need for Guidelines drawn from a global international perspective, to which people may refer whatever country they come from.

In domains such as health and social services as well as delinquency and crime policies, it is usual to distinguish between three levels of prevention. Primary prevention aims at avoiding the initial occurrence of a problem through strategies that apply to the population at large. Secondary prevention aims at avoiding the occurrence of the problem through more targeted interventions, directed at people who are identified as being at risk. Tertiary prevention aims at reducing recurrence amongst persons facing the same problem again, through interventions targeted at those who are being touched by the problem. In such spheres as delinquency prevention, child protection and similar areas, justice interventions aim at preventing recurrence of the problem and, therefore, are part of what is viewed as tertiary prevention. As they aim at ensuring the quality of children’s interactions with the justice system, including due respect for the rights of children, the Guidelines are part of tertiary prevention and do not impinge on the other two levels of prevention.

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