United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (The Havana Rules)

The Rules for Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty offers standards for management of Juvenile trials and facilities.

The United Nations rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty, or the Havana Rules, was adopted by the General Assembly in 1990. Subtopics include juveniles under arrest or awaiting trail and the management of juvenile facilities. These rules establish minimum standards accepted by the UN for Juvenile Justice applications within a context of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (The Beijing Rules)

The Beijing Rules are a 1985 UNGA resolution regarding juvenile detention, prisoners, and offenders.

The UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (Beijing Rules) of 1985 provides instruction and guidelines on how minors should be treated by the State while interacting with the justice system. Subtopics include privacy rights, police operations, and due process guarantees. Notably, the Rules recommend alternative justice methods for minors.

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A Legal Study on Children\’s Rights and Iran\’s Laws

This Legal Study incorporates qualitative research alongside legal review to contextualize and assess the state of children’s rights in Iran as well as provide conclusions toward reforms.

“In 2015-2016, a number of activists at the grassroots level took it upon themselves to research children’s rights in Iran. Following research, comparative analysis and consultation, interviews with children as well as experts and activists working on children and their rights, this legal study was produced. The five areas of children’s rights in Iranian laws include:
1. Children’s education rights;
2. Children’s labour rights;
3. Children’s marriage rights;
4. Children’s legal and judicial rights; and
5. Children’s health rights.

After examining these rights in relation to theory and application of laws in Iran, the study offers recommendations for the above areas, in the hope that it will help develop appropriate legislation for children’s rights in Iran at the local, national and international levels. These recommendations include:
• In the area of children’s’ education rights, the laws need to be reformed to conform with the principles of the Constitution;
• In the area of children’s labour rights, in addition to legal reforms, proper enforcement mechanisms are required;
• In the area of children’s health rights, new laws need to be put in place;
• In the area of children’s marriage rights, legal reforms and creation of suitable enforcement mechanisms are required;
• In the area of children’s legal and judicial rights, legal reforms are required.”

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Drug Use among Street Children in Tehran, Iran: A Qualitative Study

This study investigates and proposes solutions for the drug abuse among Street Children in Tehran.

Through use of surveys, interviews, and focus groups, Dejman et al. finds links between ethnic group, familial health, and environmental stress with the consumption of illegal substances among Street Children, and build evidence in favor of prevention and intervention programs preceding punishment.

Dejman M, Vameghi M, Roshanfekr P,
Dejman F, Rafiey H, Forouzan AS,
Assari S, Bass J and Johnson RM
(2015) Drug Use among Street
Children in Tehran, Iran: A QualitativeStudy.
Front. Public Health 3:279.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00279

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ABC of Children\’s Rights #5: Right to be Heard

This Section focuses on information on the topic of CRC general comment No. 12 and offers recommendations for practitioners.

This summary for development practitioners provides:

■ Information on the topic of General Comment No. 12 and its legal foundation;
■ An overview of the Committee’s key recommendations addressed to States parties;
■ Key contents of General Comment No. 12;
■ Recommendations for development practitioners on how to use this General Comment;
■ An excerpt of the relevant article of the CRC and an overview of State party obligations.

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ABC of Children\’s Rights #4: Juvenile Justice

Section #4 addresses CRC general comment No. 10 and includes recommendations for practitioners.

This summary for development practitioners provides:

■ Information on the topic of General Comment No. 10 and its legal foundation;
■ An overview of the Committee’s key recommendations addressed to States parties;
■ Key contents of General Comment No. 10;
■ Recommendations for development practitioners on how to use this General Comment;
■ An excerpt of the relevant articles of the CRC and an overview of State party obligations.

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ABC of Children\’s Rights #2: Aims and Education

The second section of “ABC of Children’s Rights” continues to discuss CRC general comment No. 01 including recommendations for practitioners and States party.

This Section focuses on information on the topic of General Comment No. 1 and its legal foundation, including;

■ An overview of the Committee’s key recommendations addressed to States parties;
■ Key contents of General Comment No. 1;
■ Recommendations for development practitioners on how to use this General Comment;
■ An excerpt of the relevant article of the CRC and an overview of State party obligations.

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ABC of Children\’s Rights \ Monitoring and State Obligation



This paper provides information on the State’s obligation to monitor the implementation of the CRC.

“The present publication by the German Institute for Human Rights is the first of the series “ABC of Children’s Rights”. It provides information on the State’s obligation to monitor the implementation of the CRC and makes recommendations on what German bilateral development cooperation should undertake to fulfill this obligation, and how this should be done.”

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Juvenile Justice in the West Bank: Analysis and Recommendations for Reform

Juvenile Justice in the West Bank: Analysis and Recommendations for Reform examines the challenges facing juveniles in the criminal justice system of the West Bank.

“Juvenile Justice in the West Bank: Analysis and Recommendations for Reform examines the challenges facing juveniles in the criminal justice system of the West Bank and provides recommendations to remedy systemic problems, in order to ensure that the rights of juveniles are protected. More specifically, the report 1) documents the current state of juvenile justice reform in the West Bank, the experiences of the International Legal Foundation’s (ILF) juvenile clients and other juveniles within the Palestinian justice system, and the effect that their involvement in the criminal justice system has on their daily lives; and 2) based on this information, analyzes the extent to which laws protecting the rights of accused juveniles are being implemented in practice.”

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United Nations Fact Sheets on Youth: Juvenile Justice

This fact sheet provides an overview of current international trends in Juvenile Justice alongside ongoing UN efforts.

This fact sheet provides an overview of current international trends in Juvenile Justice alongside ongoing UN efforts. Included are accessible data analysis as well as discussions of Juvenile Detention, Juvenile crime involvement, and ongoing UN fieldwork.

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